Our Sweet Jonathan's First Year

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The happiest sound

Your giggles are irresistible!

You fill the house and our hearts with SO much joy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sleeping Beauty

Your Mama could stare at you for hours when you are sleeping (and when you are awake too :)).

I swear you are an angel....every feature, every little breath....straight from the heavens.


I will wait quietly until you are awake until I eat you and every ounce of your chunkiness! :) Hee hee!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Meeting Godfadda Tommy

Jonathan not only got to meet his Great Grandpa and Great Nonna but he had a special meeting with his Godfather, Tommy!
Well Hewo!
Loving Auntie Jackie's beautiful hair!
Oh Godfadda!!!
 And he was quite mesmerized!! :)
Am I supposed to put my finger up those holes??

We love you Uncle Tommy and Auntie Jackie!!

Tommy's Papa was your Mama's Godfather and he always made sure I was "protected" -
Uncle Pauly - "You want me to send some of my friends down to take care of that kid?" :)
And your Mama was Tommy's confirmation sponsor :) (not that many years ago!)
So we are completing the circle by having Tommy be your Godfather! We are honored he will take on such a special role!
Your first "Godfadda job" - getting a car seat to the airport with your knees jacked up to the dashboard :)
Love you Uncle Godfadda Tommy!

Meeting Great Grandpa and Great Nana

Since the moment that I introduced Benjamin to his Mimi and Ga I have always been overwhelmed by the first introduction of my children to their family members. Think about how that one moment quite literally begins the first steps of a life-long belonging, a membership to a group of individuals who are a part of YOU, whose DNA and experiences in some way shape your own life.
And of even greater significance is the family's moment in time to witness their own living, breathing legacy! I am overcome by what emotions my Grandpa and my Nana must feel when they hold their great-grandchild.
When they were my age, in the midst of raising their own families, it was not possible to think about, consider, or even imagine my little one in their arms. They certainly may have thought or prayed that they would live a long life, to perhaps have the opportunity to see their children's children. But I would venture to guess that they never thought about kissing their children's children's child who carries their blood and heritage. My thoughts on this subject do not seem to do justice to just how incredibly moving and special it is for me to watch my grandfather and my Nana hold my Jonathan. These moments are so precious to me today and will be forever cherished in all of the years to come.
Know this Grandpa and Nana......I am honored to be bringing to life a little person who will be your legacy. And to watch him stare in to your eyes and smile at you (because he knows you from the very depths of his soul) brings me more joy than anything on this earth can accomplish.
My most favorite with Gramps!

Two very Happy Guys!

Both love to EAT!! Manga!!

This is one of my most favorite forever!
How I love you my Nana!

Jonathan, it is because of these people and your family ancestors before them, that you are here. How fortunate we are to be a part of this family!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A set of wings! :) Up, up, and away!

Airlines don't give out special pins anymore like they did in the "old days" when a child took their first airplane ride...boo! But you will never miss those silly wings.
Today you and I flew to Buffalo to meet your Great-Grandpa and Great Nonna and many of your extended family and as I should have suspected....you were the perfect little traveler!
Not one peep of discontent. You wooed all of the security personnel and gate agents and nearly everyone who walked past us as I walked through the airports with you strapped to my chest pulling two huge carry-ons.

Your first plane ride!! A perfect little traveler!

Always travel with good reading material....

and snacks :) What luck that your "snacks" require no extra carry-on! :)
And on the plane you read your books with Mama, fell asleep on my chest for nearly one whole flight, and smiled at every flight attendant and passenger in the surrounding rows.
When Mama says that you bring joy to the world around you I mean it quite sincerely.
You are my sweet little angel! What a special trip with my little bug!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


If you had fit in the Easter basket, you would have been my chocolate Easter bunny! :)

You had no idea what was happening as your brothers ran screaming around the front yard collecting eggs that the Easter bunny had hidden and then running through the house following the Easter bunny's clues to find their baskets (and your too!).
Easter Basket Treasures

Easter Basket Treasures

Finding your first egg :)
While the other two cleaned up! :)

Your first Easter basket!!

Happy first Easter Bug!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

What a crew! :)

Oh these boys! My three little duckies!
The best, most amazing gifts I have ever been given!
If I could I would put them all in my mouth. Simply delicious!

JACKPOT! I get to play with Brothers right in the middle of the action!

This is where I find them most often. It's hard to keep your hands off of your "Baby Johnny" when you love him so much. And you little Jonathan are happiest in these bear hugs! Thank goodness they are at least somewhat gentle! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

There's no better moment

than when you put your little hands on our faces, look us deep in our eyes, and give Mama and Papa an open mouth kiss!
Mama gets one almost every night in the sweet darkness of your room and I melt like butta...who wouldn't?!?! And your Papa gets one every day when he scoops you up after work.
If Mama isn't basking in these kisses I can nearly always be found soaking in your breath. There is no more pure and beautiful smell than your sweet breath, breath that has only tasted Mama's milk, something so amazing and beautiful between me and you; the breath of an angel. If only I could bottle it and keep it forever!! Your Papa laughs all the time because he always seems to find me inches from your little face with my nose nearly in your mouth, taking deep breaths as you exhale!!!!

You fill our hearts with so much joy!