Our Sweet Jonathan's First Year

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 31, 2015

There you are Peter!

If you remember the movie Hook, you know what I'm talking about! :)

One of Jonathan's favorite things to do is grab your face with both his hands, smile with sheer joy, and try to bring your nose to his mouth.
Let me tell you, there is no greater joy than being pulled towards his perfect little mouth and big ol' smile. His brothers think it is the funniest thing in the world! :)

Friday, January 30, 2015

A favorite ride

Just like his brothers before him, the Papa backpack is a new favorite!

Whether he's cruisin around the house :) or walking the hiking trails with us around the lake, he LOVES it. Thank you Snugli bacpack company for making something so darn comfortable, durable enough to last through three little guys, and just perfect for chunky monkeys :)

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I just can't believe that today we celebrate your 5 month birthday! I look back at the pictures and see you so small and perfect and I remember every week as I've watched you learn new things and meet special milestones. I am soaking up every minute with you, my sweet chunky beauty, but your Mama still wants so desperately to freeze time.

Keep growing so strong and healthy....but maybe just a little bit slower by the clock. :)  I LOVE YOU!!

The new sheriff in town!

And Mimi and Ga's newest gift is irresistible! We've moved from the teddy bear snowsuit to the new sheriff in Leonardo town, boots and all!
How do you like my boots??
Come a widdo cwoso...and I'll lasso thu rear end!

The NEW sheriff!!

Your Mama and Papa could not stop laughing! I think you may be the cutest thing on this planet!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


You've been intensely focused on our meals and the things that Mama brings up to her mouth when I am holding you, so without further ado, here you go. Your very first taste of "food"....the world beyond your "nummies". :)
Getting ready...for he's not quite sure what! :)

Lord, I want to eat my own child! Seriously....can you be any more delicious????

I thought you would devour the new food based on how interested you have been. But instead, you made some little faces, pushed almost all of it back out of your mouth (as if to clearly say that this is not what you have been looking at :)), and then waited patiently for us to have nums which you guzzled as if there was no tomorrow :).
I can't lie, Mama LOVES that you love your nummies! :) There's no rush....you will be chowing down on all of the food you see Mama cooking and your brothers eating, soon enough.
For now, you can eat the nums and Mama will eat you! Hee hee!
We'll try again with this rice cereal "stuff" tomorrow....maybe..... :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Do you see the similarities??

I KNEW he was an angel!! :)
 And normally he has his hands folded right on his chest too :)

(Thank you Mimi and Ga for the perfect replica of Jonathan, blue eyes and all!!)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My lunch date

You have no idea how dearly I adore spending my days with you, Jonathan!!!
Honestly, who could NOT enjoy having this little morsel as a lunch date every single day???
He's trying to ask me why I have the camera again; weren't we having lunch??

I love that when I am right up in his face with the camera, his eyes almost cross :)
Staring at my food....only moments before I begin EATING THOSE CHEEKS!!!!
These moments are the moments I thank God for every day! How fortunate I am to have these angels and to be able to be with them every moment during this very special, very brief time!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Just chillin....

This is my most favorite.....when he stretches out on the changing table, all chunky beautiness, puts his hands behind his head, and smiles at me! He knows Mama is going to dive in and begin nibbling :)

Sometimes he kicks his legs down at the same time in what I like to call his "sumo kick" :)
I could spend hours at this changing table, it's the perfect spot for a quick meal of chunky baby sugar :)